Technology classroom CALL-BACKS to use with your students – Classroom behavior management strategies for the computer lab

Using classroom call-backs is a highly effective classroom behavior management technique to captivate and actively involve students in the learning process, ensuring their focus and positive behavior. These call-backs consist of catchy and enjoyable phrases, often with rhymes, split into two parts. When the noise level rises or students lose focus, the teacher picks a call back and says the first part of it, prompting all students to respond with the second part, completing the phrase. This action redirects their attention to the teacher and encourages silence, preparing them for further instructions.

At the start of the school year, I introduce 1-2 call-backs, gradually incorporating more as the year progresses. To help myself and the students remember those callbacks and to also enhance the classroom environment with fun colors and visual aids, I’ve crafted posters showcasing some of my most frequently used and beloved call-backs. These posters I strategically place above the smart board and projector, where students naturally focus during lessons, making them inadvertently learn and remember these engaging phrases.

Here are some examples that you could use: (first part is what the teacher says, the second part after the “-” sign is what the students have to answer)

  • Technology class – YES, techie
  • To infinity – and beyond

Also, you can go here, see and then purchase my favorite Technology teacher call-backs as posters – “Classroom Call-Back Posters Printable with rhymes and technology related”.

Are there other class call-backs you love and use? E-mail them to me at so I can add them to the list in this blog post!

Want to learn more Technology classroom (computer lab) management strategies to use in your classroom? These are some products I have created that can help you:

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